Celebrating Silver: An Interview with Pro-Age Model Mireya Olmos

We are thrilled to introduce you to Mireya, a pro-age model with gorgeous, scroll-stopping silver strands! We had the pleasure of chatting with Mireya to learn more about her hair journey and her favorite EVOLVh product for keeping her strands strong and healthy: the UltraRepair Reconstructing Masque.
Follow Mireya @bobandmireya for endless feel-good content!
Can you share a short bio so our community can get to know you better?
Hi, I’m Mireya, I’m a pro-age silver haired model and commercial actor who promotes and encourages other women to embrace the aging process with energy and acceptance. My natural silver hair is my crown, my brand, and taking care of it is of outmost importance; my job depends on it! I love to bike ride, cook meals for friends, and dabble in cell phone photography.
What is your hair type? If you're open to sharing, we would love to learn more about your personal silver hair journey.
My hair type is naturally wavy, medium thickness, and long. From the age of 24 to one month of turning 42, I had been dying my hair with the intention of looking “my age.” I was actually fooling myself! I decided to go natural because I was tired of coloring every ten days. It was a challenge growing it out cold turkey. As it grew out, I slowly fell in love with my natural hair; it took 3 years to completely transition, only by trimming one inch at a time. I’m eleven years dye-free and will never go back to coloring my hair; I absolutely love my natural silver hair!
What are your hair concerns?
Having silver hair can be an upkeep, like keeping it hydrated with the right hair products, consuming healthy food & oils, but also keeping it from getting brassy from overuse of heating tools, and/or the using the wrong hair products. Drinking lots of water is good for my hair as well.
Why do you love having UltraRepiar in your routine and how do you use it?
I use Evolvh’s UltraRepair Masque almost every other hair wash as a conditioner as part of my hair care routine; it keeps my hair soft and hydrated. I wash my hair about every 4 days.
How does your hair make you feel?
Because my hair is my crown, I wear it with pride; my long silver hair makes me feel confident and beautiful!
We love seeing your #silversisters posts; it's such a warm and welcoming community. Do you have any tips or advice for someone who's just starting their silver/gray hair journey?
If you are ever thinking about going naturally gray, I highly recommend following our #silversisters online communities; there are so many worldwide! My favorite Instagram for silver sisters are: @silversistersmx, @grombre, @bobandmireya (me), @katiegoesplatinum... just to name a few. You’ll feel inspired, motivated, and supported on your journey to freedom in life and gain more confidence.What is your favorite way to practice self-care?
My favorite way to selfcare is spending time outdoors, riding my beach cruiser bike along the shore, listening to the waves, and having quiet time in the morning with my coffee in hand.