Honoring Moms
We're taking some time today to honor all mothers (including Mother Earth, as usual) and sharing some words of wisdom from some of the moms in the EVOLVher community that truly inspire us. We hope you'll check out their websites and socials for their endless array of helpful content (not just for parents) and that their generous candor and relatability helps you feel a sense of connection. May this post also serve as a friendly reminder to make time for self-care and prioritize your own wellness as well as that of your families.
Lisa of The New Knew

What has been the most surprising thing about being a mom?
Motherhood has gifted so many surprises. From the first moment my boys came into my life via my water breaking to the pain of delivery to staring into my son’s eyes for the first time—all the way up to the present day. As 7 and 9 year olds, I am filled with joy watching them discover the pleasure in reading and I’m surprised by how I feel my heart may literally crack wide open at their successes like when they hit a homerun in little league or nail a presentation for school... it’s all surprises. Every bit of it.
What's the best beauty and/or life advice you've ever gotten from your mom?
Believe it or not, my mom never gave me much beauty advice. She was big-time into sports and grew up on a farm and never really got into nails and makeup or skincare routines. In fact, I specifically remember her asking me when I was 16 years old, “I don’t know how you figured out all this beauty stuff, because it definitely wasn’t from me.”
My dad was actually the one who always commented on my outfits or told me I looked beautiful. I remember always going to him and asking him if my belt matched my shoes (which was big in the 80s-lol).
My mom was a huge support physically and emotionally. She was at every game and practice. She drove me to school. She taught me how to cook and drive a stick. I remember she stayed up one night until midnight sewing me a black skirt for marching band because I needed it for the next day. I guess you could say she built up my beauty and confidence from the inside out rather than the outside in.
In what ways has the pandemic forced you to get creative and/or inventive?
Living through the pandemic as a mom was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I have so many friends who were forced to give up their careers to stay home with their kids. It’s been really hard for a lot of women and people in general. Really hard.
One positive thing that came out of this experience for me is that connecting virtually has opened up so much opportunity for The New Knew. I started building out the TNK team before Covid hit and I was convinced I needed people who lived local to me so we could work “together”. My first hire was someone who lived in Atlanta. Then quarantine ensued and all of a sudden “Zoom meetings” were the new norm.
Because of this, we’ve been able to grow the team in more of a meaningful way. I have a wonderful content manager, Nicolle Mackinnon, who lives in Minneapolis. She is my right-hand and brings so much value to the team. And I don’t think we would have gotten connected if I wasn’t forced to operate virtually. I thank my lucky stars for her daily!
Have there been any silver linings and/or valuable lessons that have come out of this challenging time?
This past year has been so devastating to so many people, families and businesses. People have lost loved ones. People have lost their livelihoods. I’ve seen so many local restaurants, shops and services here in Atlanta go under and it’s been really, really sad to witness.
I think maybe some of the joy is coming now that we are able to see family again. I hugged my mom for the first time in over a year last week and it felt so good. And my dad was able to do the same with his mom too. She’s 94.
What are some of your favorite resources for parenting advice/tips/shopping?
My go-to resources are constantly evolving as my kids grow. Some resources I’ve been into lately are: The Whole-Brain Child, Wild Things and Deep Nutrition.
An Atlanta transplant by way of Boston, Lisa created The New Knew out of a passion to explore the latest and greatest in healthy beauty and organic lifestyle as well as THE WHY. She took her BA in journalism from Northeastern University and turned her knowledge into a platform that helps women to feel empowered as consumers while also making a positive impact on their health and the planet. As seen in CNN, Better Homes and Gardens, The Atlantan, Parade Magazine, Elite Daily, Well + Good and Beauty Independent.
Susannah of Second Half Beauty
What has been the most surprising thing about being a mom?
For me actually BECOMING a mother was the biggest surprise of my life. After a decade of struggling to become pregnant with no success, my husband and I had resigned ourselves to the fact that it wasn’t going to happen for us. We decided to sell our home and start the journey of moving across the country to start a new chapter of our lives. One week after selling our home, surprise! We found out on our 15 year wedding anniversary that we were finally expecting! Our daughter definitely had her own plans :)

Have there been any silver linings and/or valuable lessons that have come out of this challenging time?
The silver lining over the past year of this pandemic has been that life has slowed down. We have both been able to be at home with our daughter and watch her grow into a funny, brave, sweet talkative 2.5 year old. I cherish this time with her and the fact that my husband has transitioned to working from home so he doesn’t miss any of these moments with her. These memories are so special that we are both able to form with her. Prior to the pandemic life was go, go, go from one activity or meeting to the next. The time to just “be” has been a true gift.
Susannah Dellinger is a former conventional beauty executive with over 18 years in the beauty industry. While battling fertility issues she fell in love with the green beauty industry and now works as brand strategist for sustainable beauty companies and has a blog dedicated to helping women make the switch to healthier beauty and embracing the second half of life with joy , laughter and glamour!
Candice of Becoming Mom Journey
What has been the most surprising thing about being a mom?

The unending amount of love that you feel and have to give.
What's the best beauty and/or life advice you've ever gotten from your mom?
It's okay to feel that way - you're only human. Give yourself a break.
In what ways has the pandemic forced you to get creative and/or inventive?
What are some of your favorite resources for parenting advice/tips/shopping?
I'm Candice Andrews and I am a Toxin Free Living Educator and a Mom on a Mission. My journey to motherhood was a struggle, but it also changed the trajectory of my life. I can now look back and know that all the pain was for a purpose. I had no clue that all the products my husband and I were using and the world we were living in was so toxic and causing us so much harm. But when I learned that, a passion ignited and that is where my journey to cleaner living began and I now get to raise healthier children because of that.
I have been sharing my mission for about two years now so that other women can know that our products contain harmful ingredients and there are better options out there. Not just for them, but also for their families. A huge part of my heart holds a place for those struggling with infertility and I'm super excited to soon be offering Fertility Coaching Programs. I'm only one person, but I am proud to be making a small ripple and I hope to continue to grow so that I can one day make waves.
Kathryn of Earth Minded Mama
What has been the most surprising thing about being a mom?

Motherhood has been full of many wonderful surprises! One heartwarming surprise for me is how seeing the world through their eyes has reignited the curiosity and wonderment of my inner child. Nothing warms my heart more than engaging in imaginative play and exploration.
What's the best beauty and/or life advice you've ever gotten from your mom?
The best advice I received from my mom is that everything happens for a reason. While you might not always feel that way during the journey, you are exactly where you should be in the present moment.
In what ways has the pandemic forced you to get creative and/or inventive?
I struggled with finding balance for self-care when the pandemic hit. It took me a few months for me to find a routine of filling my cup first so that I can be a better wife, mother, and person. I started taking the first hour of the day after my kids were out of the house to go for a walk, do yoga, some strength training, and shower for the day. One should not feel guilty prioritizing their needs. After all, you cannot pour from an empty cup.
Have there been any silver linings and/or valuable lessons that have come out of this challenging time?
I have spent a lot of time reflecting on this past year and all of the blessings that have accompanied such tragic times. While this past year has been filled with much tragedy and sadness, it has also been filled with moments of pause, quietness, and much-needed time with my family. As a full-time working mama, I have realized how much of our lives I was missing in the 9-5 grind. As a society, my hope is that we can take lessons learned this past year and revise a better, balanced lifestyle for working parents.
What are some of your favorite resources for parenting advice/tips/shopping?
One of the things I have learned over the years is that simplicity and minimalism have been a key lever for my sanity as our family has expanded. Less stuff, more opportunities to connect and get to know each other. I am very passionate about clean living, and on this journey, I have discovered that if a personal care product is not safe enough for my baby to use, then I wouldn’t use it on myself either. This has cut down on the number of products we use around the house. We all use the same soap, body wash, toothpaste, etc. This allows us to buy less stuff, save money, and reduce our footprint on the earth.
Hi, I'm Kathryn. I am a wife and a mama of three wonderful children and am passionate about clean living. Clean living for us means eating whole foods and using toxin-free products on us and around our home. I also have a deep respect for mother nature and want to leave this planet in a better place for generations to come. So, we are always looking for ways to reduce our waste and impact on the environment.
Micaela of Mindful Momma
What has been the most surprising thing about being a mom?

It's been so amazing to watch the transition of my boys from babies to young adults - I've loved every phase along the way!
What's the best beauty and/or life advice you've ever gotten from your mom?
My mom let her natural beauty show through without a lot of makeup or special products - she let her real self shine!
In what ways has the pandemic forced you to get creative and/or inventive?
I've always worked alone from home, but now I have a houseful - with my kids and husband home. We all had to establish our work spaces - it took some getting used to, but it's worked out fine.
Have there been any silver linings and/or valuable lessons that have come out of this challenging time?
I've actually come to love having everyone home all day. We often meet in the kitchen and chat or eat lunch together.
What are some of your favorite resources for parenting advice/tips/shopping?
I love Dinner A Love Story for family friendly recipes. Also, my blog is a great resource for parents looking for non-toxic and eco-friendly products.
Mindful Momma is a blog dedicated to helping people make lifestyle and product choices that are better for their health and the planet.
Happy Mother's Day, EVOLVhers!